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Want to become a Promoter?

Here are some of our qualifications:


NOTE: Although these are our promoter qualifications, we do not exclude, nor discriminate people who really want to help grow our business. Therefore, if you have small social media accounts but have promotion experience, we would love for you to apply as well!


Age Qualifications:


-Must be at least 14 years of age (Under 18, must have consent from parents)


Social Media Qualifications:




-Minimum 10,000 Subscribers

-Minimum average of 3,000 views on videos

-Your like ratio on videos is considerably higher than your dislike count. (e.g every 400 likes to 50 dislikes)




-Minimum 10,000 Followers

-Average of 2,000-17,000+ likes on each photo (excluding bought likes with like4like apps)

-Minimum 50 to 100 comments on posts.




-Minimum 600 friends/following

-Average 200 likes on photos


Camera/Video/Photo Qualifications:


- High quality phone camera (e.g Samsung GALAXY 7 or 8, HTC, Iphone... ect)


High quality camera (e.g Canon, Nikon, Sony... ect)

-Great lighting ( natural or artificial)

-No additional distractions (e.g messy area, Dirty area,Loud/Noisy areas)


Other Qualifications:


-Must have experience of promoting at least two times.


Our Benefits:


As a "first-time" promoter, you wil receive:


*1 FREE pair of plugs of your choice.

* 25% discount code for personal use to use forever! (unless/until wanting to apply for full-time.)

*A feature on our IG page



As a "full-time" promoter, you will receive:


*A FREE pair of plugs Or item every month, your choice.

*A feature on  IG page

*A feature on our website.


Note: To become a "full-time" promoter, one must have been a "first time" promoter and email us after two weeks.



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